"Feeler" Stock 666 Thickness Gage or "Feeler" Stock in Rolls 25' DISPENSER CASES .001-.015" 20', 25' CARDBOARD BOXES .0005-.025" 666M Thickness Gage or "Feeler" Stock in Rolls 7.6M DISPENSER CASES 0.03-0.35MM 6.1M CARDBOARD BOXES 0.40-0.50MM This handy product includes thickness stock, housed in convenient rewindable dispenser rolls. Having the thickness stock in a case makes it very useful for cutting off the required length for adjusting tappets, spark plugs, distributor points, checking bearing clearances and gear play, fitting pistons, rings and pins, gaging narrow slots, etc. This stock is also useful for shimming in fixturing and die work. • Now available in stainless and tempered steel • Handy 25' and 7.6m rolls 1/2" and 12.7mm wide, in a compact, sturdy plastic rewindable dispenser case.This case handles stock up to .015" and 0.35mm only. • Rewindfeaturepermitsretractingthinnerfeelerstockintothecase,preventingdamage • Roll stock in thicknesses of .016" or 0.40mm and over are furnished in 20' or 6m (nondispensable) rolls in a cardboard box. Also, the .0005", 25' size is furnished in a cardboard box. • Marked every 6" or 150mm with a line, thickness in thousandths of an inch or in hundredths of a mm (exception 666-1/2) • Case provides the ability to snip off the desired length without any waste 666-1 Inch Reading Rolls – Dispenser Case Tempered Steel Stainless Steel Thickness Length Cat. No. EDP Cat. No. EDP 666-1 52796 666S-1 73350 .001" 25' 666-1 1/2 52797 666S-1 1/2 73351 .0015" 666-2 52798 666S-2 73363 .002" 666-2 1/2 52799 666S-2 1/2 73364 .0025" 666-3 52800 666S-3 73371 .003" 666-4 52801 666S-4 73372 .004" 666-5 52802 666S-5 73373 .005" 666-6 52803 666S-6 73374 .006" 666-7 52804 666S-7 73375 .007" 666-8 52805 666S-8 73376 .008" 666-9 52806 666S-9 73377 .009" 666-10 52807 666S-10 73353 .010" 666-11 52808 666S-11 73354 .011" 666-12 52809 666S-12 73355 .012" 666-13 52810 666S-13 73356 .013" 666-14 52811 666S-14 73357 .014" 666-15 52812 666S-15 73358 .015" Inch Reading Rolls – Cardboard Box Tempered Steel Stainless Steel Thickness Length Cat. No. EDP Cat. No. EDP 666-1/2 64210 666S-1/2 73352 .0005" 25' 666-16 52813 666S-16 73359 .016" 20' 666-17 52814 666S-17 63370 .017" 666-18 52815 666S-18 73361 .018" 666-19 52816 666S-19 73362 .019" 666-20 52817 666S-20 73365 .020" 666-21 52818 666S-21 73366 .021" 666-22 52819 666S-22 73367 .022" 666-23 52820 666S-23 73368 .023" 666-24 52821 666S-24 73369 .024" 666-25 52822 666S-25 73370 .025" Millimeter Reading Rolls – Dispenser Case Tempered Steel Thickness Length Cat. No. EDP 666M-3 52823 0.03mm 7.6m 666M-4 52824 0.04 mm 666M-5 52825 0.05mm 666M-6 52826 0.06mm 666M-8 52827 0.08mm 666M-10 52828 0.10mm 666M-15 52829 0.15mm 666M-20 52830 0.20mm 666M-25 52831 0.25mm 666M-30 52832 0.30mm 666M-35 52833 0.35mm Millimeter Reading Rolls – Cardboard Box Tempered Steel Thickness Length Cat. No. EDP 666M-40 52834 0.40mm 6.1m 666M-45 52835 0.45mm 666M-50 52836 0.50mm 337 starrett.com F ixed G age S t andards New!