Vernier & Pocket Calipers
Found in every machine shop, vernier calipers measure internal, external, depth, and step dimensions to an accuracy of 0.001" up to a 60" range. These calipers are traditional, yet continue to be widespread in many industries. They not only measure the straight distance between two points. They are also used for measuring the diameter of cylinders and holes.
While most opt for Dial Calipers or Electronic Calipers, there are many reasons to buy a Vernier Caliper. They are extremely durable, and will outlast dial and electronic calipers. There are no batteries to replace. And, they are easier to read than a dial caliper.
123, 123M, 123EM Master Vernier Calipers (0-72" AND 0-24"/0-600MM)
Ultimate example of slide caliper design. It is more accurate, has the easiest reading vernier style, is stronger and offered in much longer lengths than other slide calipers.
125 Vernier Calipers (0-12"/0-300MM)
These high quality, basic vernier calipers offer inch and metric measurement. They feature a lock screw for sliding jaw, and a hardened stainless steel depth rod. Graduations are .001" inch, 0.020mm metric.

1025, 1025ME Stainless Steel Pocket Slide Calipers - Inch Reading 5", 6"/Inch, Millimeter Reading 5"/130mm
These handy tools permit quick, accurate outside and inside measurements. Their compact size fits easily in shop coat pockets. Calipers are made of fine quality stainless steel.