Indicators & Gages

Starrett indicators and gages have been considered the highest quality tools available on the market for a century. We continue that reputation today.

Shop Indicators & Gages

Indicators are precise gages that visually show movement, typically in very small increments. Among many applications, they are used on fixtures for repetitive inspection or attached to a machine for adjustment. Starrett offers a variety of each of the major classes; mechanical dial, electronic display, lever style test and back plunger. Each type has its own unique strengths. Electronic indicators can output data. Analog dial indicators are easy to comprehend visually. Indicator requirements are very specific and Starrett offers everything you need; a broad line of each indicator type, an extensive range of accessories to configure and position the gage, and as needed, an indicator-based, custom-engineered solution. Resolution varies from 0.001" to 0.00005".

New! W4900 Touchscreen Electronic Indicators

Introducing the world's first Touchscreen Electronic Indicator. Feature packed, highly capable and the easiest electronic indicator to use!

Electronic Indicators

Electronic indicators measure linear distance to 4.000". They are typically fixed to a magnetic base or other Starrett fixture.

Test Indicators

The Starrett range of test indicators encompasses a wide selection of style including Dovetail Mount, Swivel Head and the industry-favorite Last Word® Test Indicator. Available in English and Metric sizes.

Dial Indicators

Dial indicators translate small linear distances into rotational movement to measure dimensions to 4.000", with accuracies up to 0.0001". They are typically fixed to a magnetic base or other Starrett fixture.

Back Plunger Indicators

Back plunger indicators translate small linear distances into rotational movement to measure dimensions to 0.200", accurate up to 0.001". They are typically fixed to a magnetic base or other Starrett fixture.

Indicator Accessories

Indicator Accessories include indicator contact points, spindle levers, fixture snugs and connectors, and dial faces.


Holders are parts that support the fixturing of a particular indicator or gage.

Dial Indicator Diameter Gages

These gages measure both outside and inside diameters by comparing dimensions to gage blocks or an adjustable setting master. Each gage consists of a strong rectangular box beam with...

Hole Gages

Hole gages will check hole diameters to .001" and 0.02mm. They are fast, accurate, easy to read and have a balanced design for easy one- hand operation.

Portable Dial Thickness Gages

Small, portable and accurate. Ideal for inspectors, purchasing agents and sales people to check the size of materials.

Shaft Alignment Gages

For fast, precise alignment of motors, pumps, compressors, and more.

Crankshaft Distortion Dial / Strain Gages

Ideal gage for checking bearing alignment or shaft deflection without dismantling the engine.

Snap Gages

Snap gages include handheld versions to measure workpiece ODs on the machine as well as stand-mounted for use with small parts.

Groove Gages

For in-process or bench inspection of oil grooves, snap ring retainer grooves, and more.

Spindle Square Gages

Delivers accuracy, convenience and significant time savings when tramming the head of a vertical milling machine.

Chamfer Gages

These gages directly measure the diameter of chamfered holes. No setting master is necessary.

Countersink Gages

Offered in three different angles so that the gage sets on the angular side of the countersink, as opposed to a chamfer gage which sets on the top edge of the chamfer.

Inside Dial Gages

These gages are used between two walls to check parallelism and also to take comparative measurements of internal diameters.

Saw Tension Gage

Gage to check for proper tension of Band Saw Blades in either English or metric


Pocket Laser Tachometer (S7793Z) is a digital, battery-powered portable optical tachometer that can operate up to 25 feet from a reflective target using a laser light source.