Off-Line Profilometer
hand tools.
Off-Line Profilometer
Tread and sidewall extrusions can be no more precise than the dies used to make them. When a new die is cut it should be well-centered, so the Operator has the flexibility to optimize the extruder set-up. After some time in service, die wear can be uneven so that certain areas along the profile get excessive rubber flow. This is a very costly waste of raw materials. Unbalanced flow can also disrupt the symmetry of the tread - a factor that influences cured tire uniformity and balance.
The Starrett-Bytewise Profilometer was developed as an automated, non-contact measurement system to displace checking with hand tools. The Profilometer is used to verify the accuracy of newly-cut dies. Its accuracy
and speed helps reduce the number of die trials needed to approve a new die for production. Once in production, the Profilometer is used to check each run for overall quality, and to monitor for die wear.
Features and Specifications
- The visual display overlays the measurement onto the specified design.
- The point and gage analysis measures the thickness and width of each breakpoint.
- The conicity analysis compares the right and left extrusion halves.
- The regional analysis reports the area and center of gravity for each region.
- The statistical analysis allows export of data for analysis in spreadsheet applications.
- Experienced users report that fewer die trials are needed, conserving time and raw materials.
- Dies can be designed to increasingly tighter tolerances for materials that are more difficult to extrude uniformly.