Bead-to-Bead Profile Measurement System

A non-contact scanning system that provides instantaneous acquisition for tire profiles
from one bead to the other.

Bead-to-Bead Profile Measurement System

Tire and mold designers are tasked with creating new tire designs that meet strict dimensional requirements when the tire is inflated. The inflated growth is predicted using powerful CAD modeling software. The inflated tire is traditionally measured with hand tools to check compliance to the design target. Checking with hand tools is time consuming, imprecise, and operator dependent.

The Starrett-Bytewise Bead-to-Bead Measurement System (B2B) is a non-contact scanning system that provides instantaneous acquisition for tire profiles from one bead to the other, across both sidewalls and the tread. Data is rendered in a visual display. Drag and drop caliper tools enable easy measurement. The CAD model can be imported into the Bead-to-Bead software so that the actual profile can be overlaid to the design. Data can be exported back to the CAD system for further analysis.

Bead-to-Bead can scan tires rotating at high speed to measure centrifugal growth and deformation.

Features and Specifications

  • Acquires 4,000 or more data points per profile
  • Acquires complete profiles in less than one second
  • Profiles are rendered in a visual display and matched  to a CAD template

  • Profiles are analyzed with easy-to-use tools for section  width, crown radius, and other parameters
  • Data points are output in .dxf and .txt formats

Resource Documents

Measurement Systems for the Tire Industry (Bulletin 2511)

1.14 MB

B2B - Bead to Bead (Bulletin 2513)

619 KB

Starrett-Bytewise - Tire Industry Contact Info

129 KB
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