Innovation Since 1880


We have been manufacturing tools in the United States since our founding in 1880. Learn more about Starrett's U.S. Footprint - Facilities and the tools manufactured there today. Order a free copy of our "Made In America" Brochure.
Premium Starrett micrometer resting on an American flag
Starrett re-invents the Indicator

Introducing the W4900 Touchscreen Electronic INdicator

Starrett has invented a new indicator that combines capability, accuracy, durability and versatility with an ease of use that will blow you away. Indicators with lots of features are common. This is the only one with an intuitive interface that will help you work faster and frustration-free.
W4900 Animated Gif
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Check out the Starrett Community!

We've created a page where you can explore partners, fans and friends of Starrett. Click "Community" in the top right corner of the home page to visit the page. Explore their content and follow them to stay engaged!
Starrett and Roush Yates
Jobs Available!

Join Team Starrett

Whether you are just starting out on your career path, or possess skills and experience that will contribute to The World's Greatest Tool Makers, consider joining the Starrett team! Click here for a list of jobs available, or to share your information and interest so that we might match your goals with an opportunity.
Group of Starrett Employees
The World's Most Secure and Scalable

Wireless Data Collection System

DataSure 4.0 can be customized for the size of your operation so you get exactly what you need without sacrificing security. The new range of Starrett Wireless Tools connects directly to the system, and tools with SPC output can connect by attaching an end node. And with Free Software, Datasure 4.0 is the safest and least expensive way to get your measurements directly into your SPC Software.
Collection of Datasure 4.0 components
World's Largest Band Saw Manufacturer

Unleash Precision: Starrett Intenss Band Saw Blade

Cut with Confidence: Starrett Intenss Band Saw Blade - Engineered for Exceptional Performance!
Intenss Band Saw Blades cutting round bar stock
Starrett MeatKutter Band Saw Blade

Effortless Meat Cutting:

Experience the ultimate in meat cutting efficiency with the Starrett MeatKutter Band Saw Blade. Specially designed for the meat processing industry, this blade features a unique tooth geometry that minimizes waste and maximizes yield.

If you're looking for a blade that can handle the toughest cuts with ease, look no further than the Starrett MeatKutter Band Saw Blade.

meatkutter premium band saw blade cutting meat
For Production Environments...

Carbide Tipped Band Saw Blades

Ideal for cutting extremely hard, abrasive materials. Withstands extreme cutting pressures and offers a high resistance to wear and fatigue.
carbide tipped band saw blade cutting inconel

3900A Electronic Indicators

These new indicators are part of our global series. They are Starrett-produced for those who want legendary Starrett accuracy and reliability at a budget price point.
Special Savings!

Today's Deals

Check out our specially priced items with limited availability – Available first come, first served while supplies last!

A big pile of money you can save today

Resource Articles 

May 2, 2023 @ Gage Blocks, Surface Plates

Gaging is Baseless Without Standards.

Primary Standards play vital role for producing consistent, accurate gaging results.
